“STL Student Summit on Race” brings 14 schools together


ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI) – High school students from all over our area came together today to try and improve race relations. It was all part of the “STL Student Summit on Race Movement.” More than 100 students from 14 schools gathered at Rittenour High School in St. John. This was the second time the students came together.

Last month, they created ‘sibling schools’ meaning two schools paired together to talk about issues including race. In many cases, one school was predominantly white while the other was mostly black.

Today, they presented their progress on fostering understanding.

“I think the key message would be that no matter who you are, where you come from, everybody`s equal; everybody should have the same opportunities to do the same things in life,” said Shemar Lee, a junior from Confluence Prep Academy who was taking part in the summit.

Event organizer Drew Schwartz added, “We want them to walk away with the notion that they can actually change the world. They don`t have to sit in their seats all the time and listen to facts and objectives and things that happen in school that are very important but that they can actually create the next facts.”

The group ‘Education Plus’ put on the summit. Organizers say the Ferguson events compelled them to come up with the summit as a way for young people to make a difference.

Drew Schwartz