The 1-2-3 Wellness for ALL package empowers youth and adults to develop life-changing wellness tools and cultivate a range of powerful benefits.
Learn how to get started with 1-2-3 Wellness for ALL below!
What does 1-2-3 Wellness for ALL include?
Setting Your School/District Up for Success:
Steps to Get Started:
Common Questions:
Are you ready to work smarter, not harder, and change the lives of youth and staff at your school or organization?
Register Here:
With stress, depression and related challenges on the rise, schools and other organizations deserve an inspirational, transformative program to support all stakeholders in developing lifelong skills related to health, happiness & well-being.
Everyone deserves to feel happy. Calm. Uplifted. That is why 1-2-3 Wellness is for all stakeholders: students, educators, administrators & families. We can work with entire counties and/or individual schools to help you can your community thrive!
Stress Reduction
Mindfulness and Focus
Social and Emotional Learning
Academic Achievement
Overall Well-being
Stress Reduction
Healthy Classroom Culture
Relationship Building
Connection to Larger Purpose/WHY
Meeting Student SEL Needs
Overall Well-being