Empower your well-being. Change the world.
The 1-2-3 Wellness program offers simple, yet powerful well-being tools and a user-friendly system of support.
Equipped with these tools, participants are able to develop healthy relationships with themselves, build connected relationships with others and help cultivate a positive, thriving culture.
When we practice 1-2-3 Wellness, we reduce stress while cultivating calm.
We become more present. Safe. Connected. Strong. Resilient. Everyone benefits.
Our inner peace serves as the foundation for building healthy relationships, experiencing deep learning and creating positive change in the world.
You’re invited to check out the powerful videos below which showcase how schools have transformed their culture!
Many are facing increased stress and trauma related to COVID-19.
You are not alone. Please reach our for support. Together we are stronger.
Stressed students? Overwhelmed educators and/or parents? Social and emotional concerns? Want to grow and thrive?
1-2-3 Wellness empowers ALL learners.
The program is AAA, for: Anyone. Anywhere. Anytime.
With stress, depression and challenges related to COVID-19 on the rise, schools deserve an inspirational, transformative program to support all learners in developing lifelong skills related to health, happiness & well-being.
Everyone deserves to feel happy. Calm. Uplifted. That is why 1-2-3 Wellness is for all stakeholders: students, educators, administrators & families. Adult well-being serves as a foundation. Students are then put in a position to thrive!
Stress Reduction
Mindfulness and Focus
Social and Emotional Learning
Academic Achievement
Overall Well-being
Stress Reduction
Healthy Classroom Culture
Relationship Building
Connection to Larger Purpose/WHY
Meeting Student SEL Needs
Overall Well-being
1-2-3 Wellness powerfully supports all five core competencies of Social and Emotional Learning.
1-2-3 Wellness helps us work WITH the brain to create the conditions for ALL stakeholders to thrive!